Buy or rent your outdoor equipment? Mousses Etoiles gives you the answers !
On a private beach, in the hotel business or even in catering, many professionals need outdoor equipment to furnish their outdoor areas.
Cushions, mattresses, sunbeds or even parasols, there is no shortage of equipment for successful outdoor furnishing. Customers are demanding and are looking for quality equipment to make the most of their time in your establishment. It is therefore more than essential to choose your outdoor furniture and outdoor comfort accessories well!
Many hotel and restaurant professionals nowadays use service providers who rent this type of outdoor equipment for the summer season and then collect it. Owners often see a significant benefit, and for good reason: no storage or maintenance of equipment!
However, there are other more negative points to remember about this kind of seasonal rental. The lack of quality and the lack of personalization can for example easily damage the image of the establishment. Not to mention the significant long-term costs that can arise from renting out every season...
Don't want to rent your furniture or buy your outdoor equipment in cash? So to enable all professionals to benefit from reliable and aesthetically pleasing outdoor furniture and equipment, there are now alternatives.
Mousses Etoiles tells you all about the possible solutions to allow you to fit out your outdoor in the best possible way 100%.
Contact us with your questions
Why buy your own outdoor furniture rather than rent
Renting and a solution that may appeal at first glance. The equipment rental contract is concluded for a limited period of time and gives the impression of keep control over your budget. However, renting your private beach, restaurant terrace or hotel poolside equipment is not necessarily a constraint-free solution.
First of all, the rented equipment is not yours. It is therefore necessary to ensure that it is well preserved throughout the season to return it in good condition. Moreover, as this equipment does not belong to you, it is possible that the rented equipment will clash with the atmosphere of your outdoor area and/or harm the comfort of your customers. In fact, this is the main negative point raised by the pros: outdoor equipment for hire is often less qualitative and considered more like consumables.
In contrast, buying your outdoor equipment allows you to have your own equipment: the equipment installed is what you chose yourself according to the expectations of your customers and your establishment.
The solution nevertheless often seems expensive and complicated to manage for professionals.
It is true that this may be the case if you choose to buy low-end equipment from unverified suppliers. In this case, you will have to change or repair your furniture, cushions and mattresses often as they will not withstand the season, weather and traffic. However, by opting for professional equipment at the time of purchase, you will be able to enjoy a durable and reliable top-of-the-range furnishing.
Investing in quality outdoor gear: a bonus for pros
So why not invest in the long term for your professional establishment?
Yes, there is such a thing as water-insensitive beach mattresses that stay in good condition for many years! Yes, there are parasols that don't break with every gust of wind and that are reliable and secure for more than five years, that also exists. And if you're told that outdoor material that is resistant to a seaside setting with sea spray and strong winds is also possible, why hesitate to buy your own outdoor furniture.
Thanks to the use of good, rust-proof and unalterable materials as well as precise reinforcement systems, outdoor furniture can adapt to whatever conditions it has to face.
Investing in quality equipment personalised to your brand image, will then offer you peace of mind and serenity over the long term. So you won't have to search for the right equipment for your outdoor space just before the season: you'll have exactly the equipment you need at your fingertips!
Did you know?
Even if you buy your parasols or mattresses, you'll still have the option of additional services such as overhaul and maintenance of equipment at the end of the season.
Your equipment will be delivered at the beginning of the next season to ensure your outdoor furniture is in excellent condition.
Rental finance: the alternative to buying and renting!
We know: buying an entire outdoor layout is a big budget.
Buying your own professional parasols or your beach-mattresses has its advantages as explained above, but depending on your project and the quantities desired, the amount of investment concerning the layout can take on large proportions that are difficult to assume for a professional establishment.
Are you familiar with the principle of lease financing?
To enable you to invest in high-end equipment without impacting your cash flow, the lease finance option is the ideal solution.
The principle is simple: it is simply a financing system that will allow you to have your customised equipment with your logo, your colours or not from a manufacturer.
Following this order, you only pay a rent every month for all the equipment for the duration of the chosen contract (36 months / 48 months / 60 months ...). At the end of the contract with the workshop you then have the option to return the equipment or keep it if it still suits you.
This is therefore an interesting solution to acquire high-end professional parasols, high comfort mattresses with qualitative finishes or lounge chairs to create unique and exceptional vip spaces.
Are you looking for equipment to furnish your terrace, private beach or hotel poolside? Opt for the key solution of rental financing. Our professional craft workshop based in the south of France in Barbentane (13) offers you its expertise and know-how to provide you with top-of-the-range equipment dedicated to professionals of all sectors.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information to realize your project :
- Outdoor furniture and quality professional equipment for poolside, gardens, terraces, private beaches
- Our prices (request a quote)
- Our rental financing option (ask for a simulation)